Prof. Paul Dolan on The Times: Join in, speak up, go out: 10 tips to beat the gloom, from the professor of happiness

“And so it goes on. With Covid-19 infections surging, strict local lockdowns being imposed, storms blowing and Christmas possibly cancelled, it’s a challenge to stay cheerful. But is there a way not only to survive all this but also to stay happy? If anyone should know, it is Paul Dolan, the “professor of happiness”. The head of behavioural science at the London School of Economics, he has written two books on happiness and advises the government on wellbeing. Here are his tips:”

Read the full article here (subscription required)


Prof. Paul Dolan and Steve Martin on LSE Blog: “This time next year, Rodney, we ‘ll be vaccinated”


Prof. Paul Dolan on Prospect Magazine: What coronavirus reveals about social mobility