Join my online course
In my new ExpertTrack with FutureLearn, you’ll learn how we do not always make the best decisions, how environment and context can play heavily into our decisions, and how we often don’t even make the same decision twice. The course runs over 3 modules, and you can take it at your own pace (and there is a free 7 day trial).
Get Happier
We would all like to be a bit happier, but sometimes we make mistakes about what will and will not make us feel better. In this free podcast series, Paul seeks to summarise what the science of happiness tells us about how to be happy in 10 episodes, each of around 10 minutes. Each letter of the words Get Happier is the first letter of the title of each episode. This is a not self-help series: this is a guide through the evidence on the causes and consequences of happiness that will help you navigate your own way towards being happier.
The series is brought to you with the support of the LSE.

The science behind happiness, Paul’s new Substack, will teach you the science behind happiness, and help you redesign your personal and working life to be happier.