World-leading expertise
Paul has made the study of happiness his professional business. He is currently Professor of Behavioural Science at the LSE and is Director of the Executive MSc in Behavioural Science. He has worked as the Chief Academic Advisor on Economic Appraisal for the UK Government’s Economic Service, he is a member of National Academy of Sciences Panel on Wellbeing, and of the Measuring National Wellbeing Advisory Forum. He has been a visiting scholar at Imperial College London, and at Princeton, and is an associate of the Institute for Government.
In 2019 the Times named Paul Dolan amongst its ‘100 Greatest Minds’ and he was named one of the 100 most influential academics in government internationally, “for work that has influenced the policymaking process by providing insights into policy problems, contributing innovative ideas and solutions, or adding relevant and informative data”.
Topics of interest
Paul speaks on how and why we make choices in our personal lives and in our careers, and how we can make better ones. He speaks to business and public bodies on how behavioural science is able to help them in their own specialised fields of endeavour. He is fascinated by polarisation in our society - particularly ‘cancel culture’ - and created the Duck/Rabbit podcast as a result. It is also the subject of his latest research. He is also in high demand as a speaker on the science behind what makes us happy (and what makes us miserable) and how we design our lives to improve our wellbeing. Paul’s style is straight-talking, accessible, informing, and entertaining.
Here are a few of the clients that Paul has worked with over the years