Destruction and distress: using a quasi-experiment to show the effects of the September 11 attacks on mental well-being in the United Kingdom

Title: Destruction and distress: using a quasi-experiment to show the effects of the September 11 attacks on mental well-being in the United KingdomAuthors: Metcalfe, Robert and Powdthavee, Nattavudh and Dolan, PaulPublisher: The economic journal, 121 (550)ISSN: 1468-0297View Publication

Abstract: Using a longitudinal household panel dataset in the United Kingdom, where a significant proportion of the interviews are conducted in September each year, we are able to show that the attacks of September 11 resulted in lower levels of subjective well-being for those interviewed after that date in 2001 compared to those interviewed before it. This quasi-experiment provides one of the first examples of the impact of a terrorist attack in one country on well-being in another country.


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